John MacMahon and Kathy Reagan Young on MS Workouts: Research on UVB for MS

This conversation discusses the use of narrowband UVB (NB-UVB) light therapy to treat multiple sclerosis (MS), particularly MS fatigue. The therapy, already FDA-cleared for dermatological conditions, shows promise in clinical trials for reducing MS inflammation and fatigue. The talk highlights research indicating a strong correlation between sunlight exposure and better MS outcomes, suggesting NB-UVB as a beneficial “sun surrogate.” Current limitations to adoption for MS include its a lack of neurological coverage, its present indication is for dermatological conditions – even though positive results from dermatology suggest potential for broader adoption. The anticipated FDA approval for pediatric MS later this year is discussed. The discussion also features a patient testimonial from Kathy Reagan Young, MS patient and MS patient advocate, emphasizing the positive impact of NB-UVB in her own experience.

John & Kathy on UVB for MS