Cytokind Team for the Silent Symptoms Trial
Principal Investigator

Ahmed Z. Obeidat, MD, PhD, of the Medical College of Wisconsin
Ahmed Z Obeidat is currently an associate professor of Neurology, division of neuroimmunology and multiple sclerosis at the Medical College of Wisconsin.
He holds a Doctor of Philosophy focused on Neuroscience and Physiology from Wright State University, neurology residency, and a fellowship from the University of Cincinnati. His MD is from Jordan University of Science and Technology.
Cytokind Trial Team

Lori Mayer, DNP, APRN, NP-C, MSN, RN, MSCN
Lori Mayer is an expert in strategic planning, design, execution, and management of MS clinical research programs as we provide MS clinical care. She has consulted and written MS protocols for clinical trials and has published articles in neurological journals. She holds a Doctor of Nursing Practice degree (DNP), is MS-certified, is Chair of the IOMSN Research Committee, is a member of the editorial board of the International Journal of MS Care, and Chair of the editorial board for LiveWiseMS.

Carmen Castilla, MD – Director of Clinical Phototherapy
Carmen Castilla is a board-certified dermatologist specializing in personalized treatment plans in both cosmetic and medical dermatology. Dr. Castilla graduated cumme laude from New York University, and then completed medical school at the University of New Jersey Medical School. As voluntary faculty at Mount Sinai Hospital, Dr. Castilla has published numerous papers and textbook chapters, and co-authored two NB-UVB clinical trial protocols.

Kathy Reagan Young – Voice of the Patient
Kathy Reagan Young is a prominent patient advocate and the founder of two innovative organizations, and She has become a leading voice in patient advocacy, driven by her personal experience with multiple sclerosis and having founded the Patients Getting Paid membership community to help people with chronic illness find and create work that both accommodates their health and generates an income.
Proposed Site Investigators

Nina Bozinov, MD, Kootenai Clinic
Dr. Bozinov, a board-certified neurologist, completed medical school at the University of Washington and then completed an internal medicine internship and neurology residency at Stanford. She stayed at Stanford for a two-year fellowship in multiple sclerosis and clinical neuroimmunology while completing a master’s degree at Stanford in epidemiology and clinical research. She has co-authored 5 peer reviewed articles.

Heidi Crayton, MD, MS Center of Greater Washington
Dr. Crayton is a board-certified neurologist and graduate of the Medical College of Pennsylvania. She subsequently did a fellowship in multiple sclerosis at Georgetown and established a full-time MS center there. She left Georgetown and established the MS Center of Greater Washington in 2007. She has been a principal investigator in clinical trials for MS therapeutics.

John F. Foley, MD, Rocky Mountain, MS Clinic
John Foley is a neurologist and researcher with over 25 years of experience treating neurological disorders. Dr. Foley earned his medical degree from the Medical College of Wisconsin and went on to complete his residency in Neurology at the University of Utah. He served as Chief over the Division of Neurology at LDS Hospital in Salt Lake City before founding his own neurology clinic in 1990. In 2011, Dr. Foley created Rocky Mountain MS Research Group. His research interests have included immunomodulator safety and efficacy, fatigue and pain, and monoclonal antibody related progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML).
Internal Phototherapy Experts

John MacMahon, CEO, co-founder
Expert in early-stage medical device and first-in-man clinical trials. Former founder and CEO of Kerberos Proximal Solutions (sold to FHT), COO for Maya Medical (sold to COV) and General Manager for Claret (sold to BSX). John has designed and executed four RCTs in NB-UVB. He has an MS in electrical engineering from Stanford University.

Evan Anderson, Strategic Advisor
Evan Anderson received his BS in Biomedical from Johns Hopkins University. While pursuing his MS degree in BME at Case Western Reserve University, Evan researched heart valve mechanics at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation. As an R&D engineer at Guidant (later Boston Scientific). Evan is the forrmer CEO of Luma Therapeutics, Evan designed and executed four RCTs in NB-UVB, and obtained clearance for an at-home phototherapy device for psoriasis.
Phototherapy Experts

Hector DeLuca, PhD
Emeritus Professor, the University of Wisconsin. Twice nominated for the Nobel Prize, Hector is a member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences and the American Academy of Sciences. His group has produced eight pharmaceuticals that are used for the treating, osteoporosis, vitamin D-resistant rickets, and bone diseases linked to kidney failure.

Professor Prue Hart, BSc (Hons) MSc PhD
Professor Hart is a Principal Research Fellow and an Adjunct Professor at UWA. She has been nominated for the Burnet Medal and Oration, Australasian Society for Immunology, 2021. At the Telethon Institute, Professor Hart’s team focuses on the effects of ultraviolet radiation and vitamin D3 on the immune system. She was the PI of PhoCIS Trial.

Prof. Dr. med. univ. Peter Wolf
Chair of Dermatology and Director of the Research Unit of Photo-dermatology, and Full Professor for Dermatology and Bio-immunotherapy at the Medical University of Graz, Austria. His clinical and research interests focus on photo-dermatology and photo-immunology.

Richard Weller, MB BS, MD, FRCP(Ed)
Richard is the President of the Scottish Dermatology Society, and holds the Personal Chair of Medical Dermatology / Honorary Consultant Dermatologist at the University of Edinburgh. His time is divided between clinical duties and the University, where he runs a research masters program and is active in research on the effects of sunlight on systemic health and eczema.

Nehal Mehta, MD, MSCE, FAHA
Nehal is an Adjunct Associate Professor of Medicine and Attending Cardiologist, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania and Director, Inflammatory Risk, Preventive Cardiology, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. Nehal is co-founder of Mobius Scientific, His research focuses on the role of innate immunity, inflammation, and human genomics.
Immunology and OMICs

Ben Wang, PhD – Co-founder and Chief Science Officer
Founder of Chimera Bioengineering and co-founder of Cytokind, Ben specializes in the intersection of science and engineering in immunology. Ben has a BS in Chemical Engineering from Stanford University and a PhD in Chemical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Andrew DiNardo, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor Medicine-Infectious Disease, Baylor College of Medicine. He received his PhD from Radboud UMC and his MD from Wayne State University. Andrew’s research has been widely published, with a focus on the Immunology of Co-Infection, Tuberculosis, and the Epigenetic Regulation of Immunity.

Chris Emig, PhD
Chris is the Co-founder and CEO of Augmenta BioWorks. discovers new therapeutics by harnessing natural human immunity. Augmenta is 4 for 4 in targeted discovery to date, including a partnership with TFF Therapeutics. Chris has a PhD in Bioengineering from Stanford University.
MS Patient Advocacy Endorsements
The Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers (CMSC)
It is the largest North American multidisciplinary membership organization dedicated to defining and advancing the standard of care of people with multiple sclerosis (MS). Since 1986, the CMSC has grown rapidly. With over 250 member centers in the United States and Canada, we represent over 13,500 healthcare professionals worldwide, providing care for more than 250,000 individuals with MS. CMSC provides leadership in clinical research and education; develops vehicles to share information and knowledge among members; disseminates information to the health care community and to persons affected by MS; and develops and implements mechanisms to influence health care delivery.
Pediatric MS Alliance
Parents and families whose lives are affected by pediatric MS is what we’re about. What started out as a Facebook group has turned into an international movement! Our members come from families (parents, grandparents, other caregivers), doctors, MS advocates, adults with MS, and people from other MS organizations.
By sharing information, experiences, knowledge, resources, contacts, and providing educational opportunities, we can better build bridges and better help raise awareness for this monster disease and other neuro-immunologic disorders.